Angry Birds Star Wars II is a game created by Rovio Entertainment Ltd. It costs $.99 and is available on the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
The experience and gameplay of AG Star Wars II remains the same as the previous Angry Birds game. Gameplay consists of shooting characters at pigs housed in fortified buildings. Once all the pigs have been eliminated, then you can pass onto the next level.

Star Wars II is the first Angry Birds game which lets you play as a pig. It’s always been about attacking the pigs in the past, but not you get to see their perspective.
You can also unlock Sith Master, so you aren’t limited to playing as a Jedi. There is even a reward chapter that you can unlock; meaning this game has tons of game time and value.
Players can also tap on a “teleport” button which brings up the camera and lets them put their physical Telepod figurines into the game their playing. Characters can also be swapped into and out of the slingshot at any time.
The Bad:
While playing this game I wasn’t able to find any glitches or shortcomings. You get plenty of levels and game time considering this game is only $1.00.
If you’re an avid Angry Birds fan then buying Star Wars II is an easy question. However if you’re new to the series, then you can rest assured this game is worth it. It’s easy for beginners of any ages to pick it up. So why not give it a try?