Well folks it’s finally here. The world’s first food printer, Foodini, costs $999 and can print just about any dish you desire.

Most people born before the 80’s think that it’s crazy Generation Y grew up being able to download music and buy things online. But now it seems as if Generation Y will be beat by the future Generation Z.

Generation Z of course, will be a generation that can download recipes straight into 3D food without ever having to cook. Who knows what’s next? A generation of children that never learn how to write with pencils?

A Printed Pizza!

4-9-2014 2-09-53 PM

And A Printed Burger!

4-9-2014 2-08-30 PM

Printed Cookies

4-9-2014 2-09-05 PM 4-9-2014 2-08-53 PM

Printed … ? Some Sort of Burger

4-9-2014 2-08-13 PM