Icon Pop Quiz ReviewFormat: iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch

Developer: Indra Budiman

US iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store

I am pretty sure that the majority of us who have an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch at some point have tried one of the numerous quiz apps that try and get you to guess what a particular thing is. There are many quiz apps on the iOS, but this one at the very least is aiming to be a little different, and that is just one of the reasons that makes it worth checking out.

While this is a quiz game, the presentation is perhaps what makes it a step above other similar quiz games that are on the iOS right now. You see the Icon Pop Quiz is a game that has over 400 different little icons that you have to guess just what they are. These little icons are all designed by the developer and that is what makes the game so special from a presentational point of view. Truth be told it has a charm that no other quiz game on the iOS has.

You have two different quiz categories to pick from. These are the TV and Movie quiz and the Character Quiz. The idea for both quiz categories is the same. You will be shown some really cool and funky looking icons and try and guess what it is they represent. For example let’s say you are doing the TV and Movie quiz, you will get a little hand-drawn picture of Iron Man as one of your icons, then you will want to guess that it is the movie The Avengers.

This of course is just one small example there are a huge number of icons. The faster that you can guess the more points you will score and coins you will earn that can be used later in the game. Some of these are really tough and will have you fighting the temptation to click on Google to help you out. The game does actually have a really fair help system to give you a little helping hand if things are getting a little tough for you.

The way the game helps you really does make it feel like a game show. You have coins that you obtain by playing the game, and you can use these to help you. One way that you can get help is to ask for some general knowledge about what it is. Or you many want to get rid of a few incorrect letters. You can also ask a friend on Facebook or Twitter which is really cool. But if you get really stumped you can take the low road and just ask the game to tell you the answer – of course at the expense of your coins.

In all this is a fantastic little quiz app that will entertain you for hours on end. Its great to play in a group with you each taking turns. And let us not forget that it is free. So there really should be no reason for you not to have this on your iOS device.

US iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store