The 13-inch MacBook Air is sold out at Amazon, B&H, MacConnection, and MacMall. J&R has also stopped selling MacBook Air models online, but is advertising the models in its brick-and-mortar stores. Best Buy is still selling the MacBook Air online though.

In other news, the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) is being held by Apple on June 10-14. The speculation is that reseller are no longer ordering the 2012 MacBook Air models, because they will be outdated very soon. That means that a new and improved 2013 MacBook Air is going to be announced in a couple of weeks from now.

Analyst Min-Chi Kuo from KGI securities believes that the new MacBook models will feature Intel’s newest Haswell processors. The Haswell family is a recent addition to Intel’s processors and brings forth a new level of power and energy efficiency to laptops. Although Apple currently uses Intel’s Ivy Bridge chip architecture, everything points towards a Haswell upgrade in Apple’s 2013 laptops.

Kuo also said that the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro will probably start shipping by the end of second quarter. However he believes that the MacBook Pro Retina display will release later this year due to low sales of the previous Retina model.


2013’s WWDC is definitely an exciting event. The previous record for tickets selling out was 2 hours, but this year’s WWDC 5,000 tickets (priced at $1,599) sold out within 2 minutes.

Other Plans for WWDC

The five day conference will not only announce the new MacBook Air/Pro models, but it will also unveil iOS 7 and Mac OS X 10.9.  Buying a MacBook right now wouldn’t be a good idea for a number of reasons:

  • In a couple of weeks the 2012 MacBook models will be exactly one year old (and outdated)
  • Buying a new 2013 MacBook during the WWDC insures that you have a brand new (and not outdated) laptop
  • After the WWDC the 2012 MacBook models will drop $100-400. So if you wait a couple of weeks you can buy the older model for significantly cheaper.
  • Buying the 2012 model means that you’ll have to upgrade your operating system to Mac OS X 10.9 in a couple of weeks (and you’ll have to backup all your data/apps first)

The new Mac OS X update has been dubbed “Lynx” and is also rumored to feature Maps and Siri. There is also a possibility of OS X 10.9 featuring iOS-like app multitasking that allows you to pause and resume apps, which would boost battery life.

So imagine how upset you’d be if you bought a “brand new” 2012 MacBook laptop and a couple of months later WWDC releases the improved models. These models will not only include the newest Max OS X software, but they will also feature improved hardware. This hardware could feature anything from bigger batteries to slimmer laptops. You wouldn’t want to miss those great opportunities and prices by simply not waiting three more weeks.

Article written by Octavian Ristea.
