Foundations Memory Work Tutorials, Cycle 2 is an app created by Classical Conversations. It costs $14.99 and is available on the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.


This app takes random information (and not even half of the things you need to remember) for courses such as History, Geography, Science, Math and Latin, and regurgitates it to you via slides and songs.

Even though learning things visually is beneficial to some people, this app has no extra benefits than simply learning things through Khan Academy or YouTube Videos.


US iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store

The Good:

The songs are really great quality and entertaining to listen to.

The Bad:

  • Getting back to the home page is awkward.
  • Content isn’t organized in a good way.
  • Not enough content.
  • Too expensive.
  • Doesn’t offer anything that makes getting this app worth it.


Stay away from this app. It’s not going to help you study more than other free resources on the internet will.

US iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store